Saturday 15 February 2025
The national profile of medical science production according to Minist

The national profile of medical science production according to Minist

  • 25 December 2014
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According to the report of MOH Deputy of Research and Technology released earlier this week, 32% of national scientific production is in the field of health and medical sciences.
Breakthroughs of the year according to journal Science

Breakthroughs of the year according to journal Science

  • 24 December 2014
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Each year, journal Science's editors nominate 10 Breakthroughs of the year and choose a singular one as the winner. Past winners have included the discovery of Higgs boson, Cancer immunotherapy, and first quantum machine. 4 medica...
IRIMC International Affairs remarkable meetings and achievements in 20

IRIMC International Affairs remarkable meetings and achievements in 20

  • 24 December 2014
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Dr. Alireza Zali who is an accomplished academic neurosurgeon, medical scientist and administrator took office on May 2013 as the 9th president of IRIMC with the direct vote of Iranian healthcare professionals. Regarding his new v...
Research showing blood components from young can rejuvenate an old mou

Research showing blood components from young can rejuvenate an old mou

  • 24 December 2014
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This year, in work with profound implications for aging, researchers showed that blood or blood components from a young mouse can rejuvenate an old mouse's muscles and brain. If the results hold up in people-an idea already in tes...
Prof. Per-Ingvar Brånemark, considered as the father of modern dental

Prof. Per-Ingvar Brånemark, considered as the father of modern dental

  • 22 December 2014
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In 1952, the discovery of osseointegration by Brånemark revolutionized the realm of implant dentistry. He discovered at his laboratory in Sweden that titanium integrates with bone and he called the process osseointegration.
Ebola Fighters are Time's person of the year 2014

Ebola Fighters are Time's person of the year 2014

  • 18 December 2014
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The Ebola Fighters including doctors, nurses, first responders and others who responded to this fatal viral disease, were named TIME's Person of the Year 2014. It was officially announced by TIME Magazine earlier this week.
Antimicrobial Drug Resistance web-based CME

Antimicrobial Drug Resistance web-based CME

  • 18 December 2014
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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) threatens the effective prevention and treatment of an ever-increasing range of infections caused by bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi. A continued professional education activity jointly spons...
Ranking & Evaluating of the academic research performances of Iranian

Ranking & Evaluating of the academic research performances of Iranian

  • 15 December 2014
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According to the report of Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education; Tehran, Shahid Beheshti and Isfahan Universities of Medical sciences became the leading universities across the nation.
Globally, influenza activity remained low, with the exception of North

Globally, influenza activity remained low, with the exception of North

  • 15 December 2014
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Although globally, influenza activity remained low but In North America, influenza activity continued to increase and in several Pacific Islands, ILI activity remained high. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urg...
"IRI Medical Council is ready to set National Clinical Guideline for a

"IRI Medical Council is ready to set National Clinical Guideline for a

  • 11 December 2014
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A panel of experts and influencers were invited to a one-day seminar in Patient Blood Management in which Dr. Zali, IRIMC President & Chair of PBM Seminar made a speech.
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