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"IRI Medical Council is ready to set National Clinical Guideline for a

  • 11 December 2014
  • 13:26
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"IRI Medical Council is ready to set National Clinical Guideline for a
A panel of experts and influencers were invited to a one-day seminar in Patient Blood Management in which Dr. Zali, IRIMC President & Chair of PBM Seminar made a speech.

On 9 December 2014, the first National Patient Blood Management Seminar was held in Tehran at Tehran Transfusion Center by Iranian Association of Blood Transfusion. The seminar had the support of IRI Medical Council, Iranian Institute of Transfusion Medicine, and Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization. This scientific event was accredited 6 CME credits by Iranian Ministry of health. The main topics encompassed in PBM Seminar were: -Practical issues in Transfusion Medicine; -Proper method for Patient Blood Management.

Patient Blood Management is a multidisciplinary, evidence-based approach to optimizing the care of patients who might need transfusion. Blood Components are used to save and improve thousands of lives each year and PBM is a key approach to ensure that patients receive the best treatment and to avoid inappropriate use of blood.  

"It gives me great pleasure to address this distinguished audience at the first PBM Seminar which I believe will be a turning point in our health system."IRIMC President said. He added:"It is strongly crucial to arrange a national clinical guideline for appropriate use of blood & blood components being pursuant to international scientific standards."

"There are some specific aspects of PBM that should be considered prior to surgery: Anemia & Iron-deficiency anemia should be corrected before an elective surgery which is likely to involve significant blood loss. Furthermore a protocol must be developed for the management of patients taking anticoagulants, a mainstay of cardiovascular therapy, that may increase the risk of bleeding. By managing these two conditions prior to surgery, the probability of large amount of blood transfusion will be reduced and patient's overall health status will be improved. "Chair of PBM Seminar remarked.

IRIMC President addressed the agreement made between IRI medical Council and Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization for setting a Clinical Guideline for Appropriate Use of Blood to ensure receiving best treatment by patients and to avoid inappropriate use of blood & blood component.

Dr. Zali emphasized that Patient Blood Management should be encompassed in CME programs to enhance medical graduates' knowledge in PBM and guarantee best practice for transfusion medicine.



Dr. Shima Naghavi, Director of International Affairs   

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