Wednesday 12 March 2025


As an interim measure to facilitate IRIMC services for its registered members during the COVID-19 pandemic we’ve made changes to the procedure for applying for Good Standing Certificate. Please click here.

For the kind attention of IRIMC registered members:

If you have queries regarding Good Standing Certificate, please be aware that due to issue any kind of Good Standing Certificate/Certificate of Professional Conduct/License Verification/Regulatory History Form, there are requirements that should be met by the applicant, please follow these steps:

1) (S)he must not be in arrears of any fees or other moneys owing to our organization((s)he must pay the membership fee). Either applicant or her/his representative can pay the requested fees in IRIMC Registration Office.

NOTE: The Membership Arrears must be ZERO in the time of applying for Good Standing Certificate.

2) (S)he must pay the fee for issuing GSC. For any queries regarding requested fees, please contact the Registration Office.

NOTE: All payment receipts must be registered in IRIMC otherwise there is no proof that you have paid the requested fees. Please either come to IRIMC (located in Tehran) or IRIMC branch in the city of your residence for paying the requested fees.

The GSC payment receipt must be either submitted to us by applicant/official representative IN PERSON or by IRIMC branch in the city of his/her residence. Before submitting your GSC application, please make sure that your Membership Arrears is ZERO in IRIMC database.

NOTE: We do not accept bank payment receipt through email.

3) (S)he must have a valid IRIMC Membership Card in the time of applying for Good Standing Certificate.

So please check your Membership Card expiry date before applying for Good Standing Certificate. For renewing your Membership Card, you should contact the Registration Office. NOTE: If your Membership Card is valid, you must send us the image of it.

4) The completed GSC application form and GSC payment receipt must be submitted to us either by applicant/official representative IN PERSON or through the Medical Council of the city of his/her residence.

In order to issue the GSC, the professional records of the applicant must be assessed by IRIMC Deputy of Disciplinary Affairs which takes time. The GSC is issued in due course, so please submit your GSC application well in advance.


Bureau of International Relations of the IRIMC.