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8th Geneva Conference on Person-Centered Medicine co-organized mainly

  • 08 March 2015
  • 10:10
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8th Geneva Conference on Person-Centered Medicine co-organized mainly
Geneva Conference on Person-Centered Medicine is an annual conference held in Geneva since 2008. Conference participants will be clinicians and scholars in medicine and other health fields as well as interested individuals. WHO He...

International College of Person-Centered Medicine which is another partner of this conference, emerged since first Geneva Conference on Person-Centered Medicine in 2008. ICPCM is a non-for-profit educational, research, and advocacy organization aimed at refocusing scientific & humanistic medicine on the whole person. According to ICPCM, "Person centered medicine may be defined by its placing the whole person at the center of health and health care, and it is dedicated to promote the health as a state of physical, mental, socio-cultural and spiritual wellbeing as well as to the reduction of disease."

In other words Person-Centered Care aims to ensure a person is an equal partner in their healthcare. This concept has been integrated into health systems in many industrialized countries although has yet to consider in most developing countries. By creating relationships between patients, care providers and communities, healthcare services would be able to respond more efficient and effective to patient needs.

The 8th Geneva Conference on Person-Centered Medicine will be held in Geneva at Geneva University Hospital on April 27-29, 2015. Conference participants will be clinicians and scholars in medicine and other health fields as well interested individuals. WHO Headquarters will host the last day of conference featuring WHO special session on collaborating towards implementation of WHO's strategies on People-centered & Integrated Services.

ICPCM CME Certificate will be emailed to all registered participants. The registration fee is 400 Euros for persons residing in World Bank Group A (High Income Countries) and 250 Euros for persons in other countries.

Prof. James Appleyard, ICPCM President is the Head of Organizing Committee of the 8th Geneva Conference on Person-Centered Medicine.

Pre-Conference Work meetings will be held on April 26 2015 at Geneva University Hospital Auxiliary Halls while the Core Conference First & Second Days will be held at Marcel Jenny Auditorium and Auxiliary Halls of Geneva University Hospital.

WHO Headquarters will host the third day of conference consisting of Plenary Sessions 5 aiming at Research Priorities for PCPHC, Closing Session and WHO special session on collaborating towards implementation of WHO's strategies on People-centered & Integrated Services.

For more information please check the following websites:



Dr. Shima Naghavi, Director of International Affairs

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