The 3rd IRDiRC Conference will take place February 8-9, 2017 in Paris.

The International Rare Diseases Research
Consortium (IRDiRC) teams up researchers and organizations investing in rare
diseases research in order to achieve two main objectives by the year 2020,
namely to deliver 200 new therapies for rare diseases and means to diagnose
most rare diseases.
Individual researchers and consortia have been studying rare
diseases for several decades. However, the rare disease research community was
very fragmented mainly due to the large heterogeneity of rare diseases. The
idea to establish IRDiRC came during a meeting between Dr. Ruxandra
Draghia-Akli (European Commission) and Dr. Francis Collins (NIH) in 2009. Their
main objective was to accelerate medical breakthroughs for people affected by
rare diseases by establishing a network of research funders. In October 2010, the European Commission and
the US National Institute of Health announced in the first preparatory workshop
in Reykjavik (Iceland) their intention to join forces on rare diseases
research. The two institutions planned to coordinate their research funding on
rare diseases and to make major investments in this research field in the years
to come.
In April 2011,
IRDiRC was officially established and launched during the second preparatory
workshop in Bethesda (USA). The group of funding agencies representatives
agreed to have an Interim Executive Committee until the end of 2012. The group
chose Dr. Ruxandra Draghia-Akli as interim Chair.
In April 2013, and March 2015 the first and the second
IRDiRC conferences took place in Dublin and in Shenzhen respectively.
3rd conference of the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC)
will take place February 8-9, 2017 in Paris, France, at the conference center
of Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) Sorbonne Universités, Jussieu.
years have passed since the initial launch of IRDiRC in 2011 and considerable
advances have been made in rare diseases research. IRDiRC 2017 conference
presents a unique opportunity to reflect upon this progress, confront barriers,
and together, form new collaborations to take on challenges posed by rare
stakeholders – investigators, policy makers, opinion leaders, critical
thinkers, young researchers, patient advocates and industry members alike –
active in the area of rare diseases from across the globe are invited by conference organizers to celebrate achievements in the field, identify future milestones and
goals, and work toward bringing diagnoses and therapies to all rare disease
reach out the Congress Planning Committee please click here
The congress schedule at a glance
For registration please click here
Shima Naghavi, Director of International Affairs