FDI has joined with organizations
representing the world’s doctors, nurses, pharmacists and physical therapists
to develop the application ‘HealthyScore’. Designed to be used in collaboration
with health professionals, the app will help people set targets and track
progress towards agreed health goals.
‘HealthyScore’ rates behaviours according to the traffic-light code:
‘red=danger’, ‘yellow=caution’ and ‘green=go-ahead’. It provides users with
customizable reminders to help them move their behaviours towards green.
HealthyScore and reminders offer
support to individuals and their health professionals to establish mutually
agreed goals so as to improve both lifestyle/behavioural and
metabolic/biometric risk factors over time. Regular use enables individuals and
health professionals to develop targeted interventions to improve health and
HealthyScore is the electronic
version of the Health Improvement Card, developed as a central component of the
World Health Professions Alliance
WHPA noncommunicable disease campaign, launched in 2011.
The WHPA Health Improvement Card
(HIC) helps individuals rate their behaviors. Behaviors in red are labeled as
highly risky. Behaviors in yellow indicate caution, and those in green
correspond to healthy, sustainable behaviors. The goal is to help patients
gradually move their behaviors to the green area.
Acting as a scorecard the HIC
keeps track of biometrics and behaviors that affect a patient's likelihood to
develop a chronic illness over the long-term. Four biometric indicators and
four lifestyle indicators provide a comprehensive panorama on the patient's
health status. A constant use of this resource allows individuals and health
professionals to develop targeted interventions to improve their health and
The four biometrics help monitor:
-Body mass index and cholesterol,
to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases
-Fasting blood sugar, to help
prevent diabetes
-Blood pressure, to check for
The four lifestyle indicators are
shown to:
-Avoid tobacco use and harmful
alcohol consumption
-Improve diet
-Undertake regular sufficient
physical activity
-Achieve and maintain healthy
-Manage tension and stress
-Promote preventive care and
screening for preventable illnesses
The Health Improvement Action
plan and reminders support have been included for individuals and their health
professional to establish mutually agreed goals so as to improve both
lifestyle/ behavioural and metabolic/biometric risk factors over time. Overall,
the HIC helps the health community pay due attention to the inextricable link
between social determinants of health and the incidence of all Non Communicable
Diseases-extending the scope to mental and oral health illnesses. By focusing
on a holistic approach to health, WHPA goes beyond the narrow frame of
corrective NCD action and promotes a sustainable change in behaviors to achieve
health. WHPA hopes this initiative will strengthen the patient-doctor
communication channels as well as primary healthcare systems.
To access the Healthyscore,
please visit the following link: